Pronounced in English: ee-ya-moy

Meaning: The name of the Harpy Eagle in Wao-Terero

Scientific name Harpia harpyja.

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The magnificent Harpy Eagle is one of the largest and most powerful eagles on Earth. Today, they live in the rainforests of Ecuador, Panama and Venezuela. Until recently, they could be found from southern Mexico through Central and South America and even all the way down to northern Argentina. Tragically, they are rapidly facing extinction because some people are destroying their natural habitat for profit and others shoot them for fun.


This stunningly beautiful creature is renowned for its stately crest and facial disk which are composed of feathers that can be lifted and lowered at will to direct sounds to its ears on the side of its head. They have a dark grey face, black back feathers, and white belly feathers. Their wingspan is probably wider than you are tall, and their talons are 4 inches long – the same size as a grizzly claws.


Harpy eagles mate for life, spending 25 to 30 years together. They are devoted parents, sharing all parenting duties for the first two years of their nestling’s life.


Harpy Eagles build several nests in the tallest trees in the forest, about 6 metres in diameter and 130 feet or 40 meters high off the ground. To protect their chick, the female will hardly leave the nest for 4 to 5 months, while the male spends his time and energy each day looking for food for his family.

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Expert hunters, they search for food during the day, often flying with amazing agility below the forest canopy to find monkey, sloths, porcupines, raccoons, parrots, iguanas, and other forest creatures.

Interesting Facts:

Population Status: Near Threatened

Body Length: 3 to 3.5 ft (1 m)

Wingspan: Up to 6.5 ft (2 m)

Weight: 9-20 lbs (4-9 kg)

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Harpy eagles are essential part of the fragile eco-systems in which they live. Please support projects that support them.